cause I will
all my memories - Mila

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Faculty of Engineering
Major in Civil Engingeering | 2014
Graduate with GREAT CGPA AMIN ! 4.0
Nak jadi artis, nak jadi dokter, nak jadi perdana menteri
Amateur guitarist with no skills. Wanted to be Pianist
Open a lovely cozy cafe
Be friends with all kinds of people from all around the world
Nak jadi Isteri awak


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Kamila Mahmudah Zahra Binti Mohtar. 10|02|1996 Too many dreams too little time. Allah Rasulullah Family Friends Boyfriend, always will always have. Always wanted to be smart. Travel the world and see the beauty in everything. Positive heart will always leads to happy life.


To see my life in pictures : Instagram To read all of thoughts : Twitter
Be bright like sunflower. Be strong and dont give up. Have courage and be kind.
Allah loves you
Saturday, January 15, 2011 @ 10:56 AM
pindah sekola ):
cantik orang nya , secantik namanya .
nurul balqis binti abdul latiff

indah senyuman nya ,
putih kulitnya seputih soya ,
perangai gila ,
budi bahasa down siket .
dia lah kawan segeng aku . euphoria . budak gediik yang aku sayang
ade orang tak suka dia . tapi itu hal dia
kami kawan sejak form 1 . sudah gila sejak 2 . die pindah tyme form 3
alasanye , tadpt belajar di mantin 
walao alasan die memang tavole diterime , tapi sukahati die
yang aku tau , kami akan cont sapai bile
kan sayaang ?

belom pape kamii sudah gaduh ,
die kate die kene sisih ,
tapi sebnanye tak ,
munken kami tak sengaje dek .

jangan sedih ):
aku , zaza , farrah and ena sygg dekat kao gemok ,
kami takot kao tepengaroh sebub kao adek ,
kao budaak kecik ,
tapi takan kami nak tunjok ,
malu laah ((:

pape pon , sejaoh mane pon kite ,
walaopon kao dekat pd saje ,
kteowg sygg dekat kao je ,
tade org laen bole ganti ke .

jady kao jgn risau budaak keshik ,
jgn emo . kite tetap euphoria ok .

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kao Adira ku ((: detik to midnight -,- kehepian (: budak selenge dalam idop akuu . auww auuww auuw . aku kerjaa (: cheer up ! big girl dont cry laa (: addict to HER secawan coffee i love u Bitches Finally :D