Friday, October 19, 2012 @ 7:32 AM
Soalan : Apakah benda diatas ini ?
Ignore all the grammatical error , im just a teenangers , im still learning
4 jam 4 jam 4 jam
4 jam 4 jam ! 4 hours i tried to construct my blog so that i can change my blog just like the blog that owned by Indah Nada , Dian Pelangi or even Hanis Zalikha but it didn't work . DID NOT . Hahahahaha . It's like that 4 hours is just a waste of time , i should read biology rather than constructing my blog --' and end up it still the same face . Eh , let me make it clear , it's not like i'm noob enough or stupid to make blog like theirs but there's lots of things to do ! Like making banner , making banner for twitter account , facebook acount , youtube channel , flavors , bla bla etc etc . *Life nowadays are based on Social network like seriously* And maybe it takes
days or
months . Waste of time ha ? So i just rely on copy paste this template from :D
Life is about grateful to be a muslim :) seriously . I just can't believe it . People might say that it is coincident ... but let me make it clear that THERE IS NO COINCIDENT ,
No Coincident in life , it's faith . That time was raining heavily heaven when i walked home from school , alone , i didn't brought my umbrella that Rihanna gave me when she sang 'under my umbrella' and how I wish Justin Bieber would come *ofcourse without selena* and asked me for a ride and that would be IMMPOSIBLE and UNBELIEVABLE . I was 'basah kuyup' that time . But then , there's Abdullah , Hamba Allah , a guard at my taman lah kan , dia tumpangkan aku balik rumah . So , lets go home bebeh , that time it was rain cats and dogs and i was very thankful that Allah send me a nice pakcik to send me home . it is not coincident , Allah send him to help me . Alhamdulillah . But the thing is , bila aku bawa payung , panas kemain , bila tak bawa payung , hujan berderai bagaikan air mata -.-' what is this all about actually
And theeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn , today , Jumaat , October 19 2012 , I still having examination . Final examination as you all know , youuu all knooowwwww . Right ? Unless you live in Pluto . Maaaiigad , tassawur exam was tough , hard , it's like the sun and i'm the ice and without any minute less , i would melt . Ustazah Aminah made the question T.T Padan lah kan susah semacam dua macam tiga macam . I was thankful because Allah help me to answer the question , Alhamdulillah . That time I was blank 'Apakah maksud insan' Dammit i didn't read that part ! I'm like halahaaaaai , insan is manusia lah kan ? Kkkk , better sleep , after memilau sana sini tengok kipas , tengok kehijauan daun diluar tingkap , tengok cikgu , tengok everything around and then sekali pintas I dapat fikir 'mengikut kehendaknya , nafsu , akal fikiran' and i'm like
yabedabeduuuuuu . So that time i wrote , lebih kurang , more or less like this laahh 'insan adalah manusia yang dikurniakan akal fikiran serta hawa nafsu . serta berkehendak keatas sesuatu' okay , tu je . I'm happy cause the answer have 'akal fikiran' 'nafsu' 'kehendak' Okay , i'm grateful :)
Aku nak cerita pasal 'maksum' sekali but nevermind , this post rasa macam Panjang
Panjang Panjang GILA . So Assalamualaikum , tak jawab dosa jawab sayang . My bis didn't work out . Poor me
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